

In a significant step forward for Open Science in the field of high-energy physics (HEP), CERN and its partners have launched a new beta feature on the INSPIRE platform that enables researchers to directly discover, access, and cite scientific datasets. This development represents an important advancement in making research outputs beyond traditional publications more discoverable and citable.

Advancing Open Science Principles

The new data collection feature aligns perfectly with core Open Science principles by promoting transparency, reproducibility, and proper attribution for all research


CERN and the OAPEN Foundation have completed the migration to directly host the OAPEN Library and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) in the CERN Data Centre. 

CERN and the OAPEN Foundation are pleased to announce the successful completion of their expanded partnership to promote open access to books. As of January 2025, CERN's Data Centre is now directly hosting both the OAPEN Library and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB), alongside its other scholarly communication services such as INSPIREhep and Zenodo.

This milestone marks a significant step forward in increasing the


The European Organization for Nuclear Research—CERN—is a host laboratory to the largest scientific collaborations for high-energy physics researchers. It’s also one of the highest data contributors to ORCID, with over 1.9M trust markers added since 2013. CERN is one of six institutional partners in the INSPIRE information platform, which has 25,000 daily users and 100,000 author profiles that connect with over one million articles and preprints relevant for their research.

For almost 50 years, INSPIRE HEP has been the main information hub for the high-energy physics community that helps


Explore CERN’s enduring commitment to open science in CERN70 feature series: Continuing CERN’s Legacy of Open Science. This insightful article celebrates 70 years of groundbreaking research, highlighting CERN's pivotal role in fostering collaboration and transparency in the scientific community.

It also features an exclusive discussion with former CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer, offering a unique perspective on the institute’s past achievements and its vision for the future. Don’t miss this tribute to a legacy that continues to push the boundaries of human knowledge.

Read the full article


Since its creation in 2014, this Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing has transformed publishing for authors worldwide in the field of particle physics. 

Operated by CERN and funded by partners from over 45 countries, SCOAP3 has supported the fully open publishing of almost 70 thousand articles. CERN has been supporting open and collaborative research ever since its creation, 70 years ago. 

We’re looking forward to many more years of advancing equitable, affordable and sustainable open science, as SCOAP3 has recently been extended for a new phase.

Find out more: https://scoap3


CERN’s open access policy requires authors to publish under the CC-BY license when submitting preprints to repositories or articles to journals

When publishing articles open access, authors are typically asked to choose the license under which they would like to release their publication. Creative Commons offers a range of licenses that are widely used in scholarly communications. These provide a simple and standardised way to grant permissions to share and use creative works with varying degrees of restrictiveness.

CERN's Open Access Policy requires that authors publish under the Creative


Since 2014, the CMS Collaboration has pioneered the release of LHC research quality data for public use by making a significant amount of these data accessible through the CERN Open Data portal. Recently in 2024, the CMS Collaboration has released a sizeable new set of 13 TeV data collected in 2016.

The CMS Open Data group organizes yearly workshops to help users get started with the CMS Open Data. From the 29th of July to 1st of August the CMS Collaboration organized the fifth workshop in the series that aims to bridge the technical gap that usually exists between the scientific creativity



Open Science was recently featuring in CERN news with a post explaining how to use CERN’s Open Science Office. Read on to find out more, or go check the original post here


Publishing in open access, managing research data and open source software, and more: CERN’s Open Science Coordinator, Anne Gentil-Beccot, explains how the CERN community can benefit from the Open Science Office.

Why should I care about open science?

The aim of open science is to make scientific research more accessible, transparent and efficient for the benefit of scientists and society. It includes making the


The ATLAS Experiment at CERN has made two years’ worth of scientific data available to the public for research purposes. The data include recordings of proton–proton collisions from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at a collision energy of 13 TeV. This is the first time that ATLAS has released data on this scale, and it marks a significant milestone in terms of public access and utilisation of LHC data.

“Open access is a core value of CERN and the ATLAS Collaboration,” says Andreas Hoecker, ATLAS Spokesperson. “Since its beginning, ATLAS has strived to make its results fully accessible and



On the 19th of May we had the privilege to join leading scientists and experts exploring the extraordinary significance of international collaboration and open science in advancing scientific knowledge in an event from a series of events celebrating CERN's 70th anniversary. During the conversations, the panelists traced the evolution of the Web, discussed the imperative of democratisation of information and technology, and explored the emerging frontiers in digital technologies and AI.

If you missed it you can watch it here.


Event highlights:

Science for All –  Panel discussion to


As published in:

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) are stepping into a dynamic leadership position in the third year of the National Institutes of Health Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI) as Co-Chair through Zenodo.

Coordinated by the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy the GREI is a unique competition and cooperation model of strategic partnerships between seven generalist repositories aimed at enhancing


As part of its continued commitment to making its science fully open, the CMS collaboration has just publicly released, in electronic format, the combination of CMS measurements that contributed to establishing the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012. This release coincides with the publication of the Combine software – the statistical analysis tool that CMS developed during the first run of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to search for the unique particle, which has since been adopted throughout the collaboration.

Physics measurements based on data from the LHC are usually reported as a


The CMS experiment at CERN is proud to announce the first release of 13 TeV proton-proton collision data collected in 2016. Over 70 TB of 13 TeV collision data and 830 TB of corresponding simulations are now accessible to the global scientific community and enthusiasts alike through the CERN Open Data Portal.  

For the first time, the scientific community has access to substantial datasets of 13 TeV collisions. This release augments the 2015 data and simulation that were made public in 2021. Over 20,000 simulations of different physics processes have been released alongside the collision data


An expanded collaboration agreement between CERN and the OAPEN Foundation sees the Laboratory directly hosting the OAPEN Library and the Directory of Open Access Books in its Data Centre

CERN and the not-for-profit organization OAPEN Foundation are happy to announce a further expansion of their collaboration to jointly promote open access to books.

Since 2021, CERN and OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) have collaborated to disseminate books that are made available in open access through SCOAP3 for Books, a collective open-access initiative hosted at CERN.

Building on this


The LHCb experiment at the Large Hadron Collider has released approximately 800 terabytes of data from Run 1, spanning 2011 and 2012. This pre-filtered data, aligned with CERN’s Open Data Policy, facilitates research and education in physics. With over 700 scientific publications and open-access papers, the released data allows access to the information behind significant findings. The collaboration has pre-processed the data, providing documentation, metadata, and a glossary for user understanding. The data is accessible on the CERN Open Data portal, complete with digital identifiers for


Eleven countries have introduced open science policies, strategies and legislative frameworks since the adoption of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science two years ago, according to the UNESCO Open Science Outlook 1: Status and Trends Around the World. This means that the total number of countries with open science policies has almost doubled. Other countries have adopted policies that pertain to one aspect of open science, such as for publications and/ or research data. The Outlook was launched on 14 December in Geneva at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) as a prelude


CERN launches its Open Source Program Office to help you with the release of your software and hardware designs

Have you ever considered making your software or hardware designs publicly available? Sharing your work with collaborators in research and industry has many advantages, but it may also present some questions and challenges. To help you with all issues relating to the release of your software and hardware designs, we are launching CERN’s Open Source Program Office (OSPO).

In our community, it is common practice to publish open source software and hardware designs. By releasing your


In celebration of the 2023 Year of Open Science, CERN and NASA jointly organized “Accelerating the Adoption of Open Science”, a week-long open science summit at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, from 10 to 14 July 2023. This event brought together a diverse range of attendees to exchange experiences, ideas, and expertise; promote open science policies and practices; and develop practical action plans to implement open science practices that are fit for both context and purpose. 

Through the course of the event, experts across the diverse domains of Open Science (i.e. open data, open software and


CERN and NASA join forces to commit to a research future that is open and accessible for all

This year, 2023, has been declared the Year of Open Science. This is why, for the first time, over 100 open science practitioners and policy-makers gathered at CERN’s Globe of Science and Innovation from 10 to 14 July. Co-organised by CERN, Europe’s leading particle physics laboratory, and NASA, the USA’s largest scientific agency, it brought together experts to discuss and learn how scientific bodies can promote and accelerate the adoption of open science. Over 70 different institutes were


Zenodo was launched 10 years ago on May 8th by CERN and OpenAIRE. The goal since day one has been to enable any researcher from anywhere in the world to participate in practising open science. Today, 10 years later, Zenodo supports more than 300,000 researchers in 7500+ research organisations in 153 countries to do just that. A recent study conservatively estimated the socio-economic impact of Zenodo in society to 95 million EUR per year but more likely close to 1 billion EUR/year. All in support of the mission to provide the platform for all researchers to publicly share their work and join


Today, the CERN Open Science Strategy Working Group has released the first version of the implementation plan that specifies concrete measures how to implement the CERN Open Science Policy, released on October 1st 2022. The implementation plan will be regularly updated to reflect organisational changes, updated priorities and new tools and practices. The most recent implementation plan will be also accessible on this website.


On March 24th, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) representatives from its Delegation for Cyberspace came to CERN for the first in a series of knowledge-sharing sessions on using free and open source technologies to support the vital humanitarian work they carry out across the globe. These technologies are being explored as a means to pursue neutrality, impartiality and independence of humanitarian action in a digital environment. CERN and the ICRC have signed a cooperation agreement that will see members of CERN’s IT department provide training on selected technologies, as well


Ever since the open access (OA) publication of peer-reviewed primary research articles from CERN authors was made a policy requirement in 2014, CERN has made great strides forward in opening its research to anyone around the world. This has been achieved thanks to a variety of mechanisms implemented by the CERN Scientific Information Service (SIS), ranging from a series of Read & Publish agreements signed with major publishers to CERN’s participation in the SCOAP3 consortium, which has arranged for automatic OA to research in high-energy physics (HEP).

Books (including monographs and


The Large Hadron Collider Beauty (LHCb) experiment at CERN is the world’s leading experiment in quark flavour physics with a broad particle physics programme. Its data from Runs 1 and 2 of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has so far been used for over 600 scientific publications, including a number of significant discoveries. While all scientific results from the LHCb collaboration are already publicly available through open access papers, the data used by the researchers to produce these results is now accessible to anyone in the world through the CERN open data portal. The data release is


All proton-proton data collected by the CMS experiment during LHC Run-1 (2010-2012) are now available through the CERN Open Data Portal. Today’s release of 491 TB of collision data collected during 2012 culminates the process that started in 2014 with the very first release of research-grade open data in experimental particle physics. Completing the delivery of Run-1 data within 10 years after data taking reaffirms the CMS collaboration’s commitment to its open data policy.

The newly released data consist of 42 collision datasets from CMS data taken in early and late 2012 and count an


CERN’s core values include making research open and accessible for everyone. A new policy now brings together existing open science initiatives to ensure a bright future of transparency and collaboration at CERN

During its 209th Council session in September, the CERN Council approved a new policy for open science at the Organization, with immediate effect. The policy aims to make all CERN research fully accessible, inclusive, democratic, and transparent, both for other researchers and the wider society. It was developed by the Open Science Strategy Working Group (OSSWG), which encompasses


The Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3)—the world’s largest disciplinary open access initiative—has reached the milestone of over 50’000 research articles published. Through partnerships with 11 leading journals, SCOAP3 has effectively transitioned the vast majority of research articles in the discipline to perpetual OA since 2014. These research papers include vital contributions from research organizations and institutions across the world: including the last paper published by Stephen Hawking and colleagues on Black Hole Entropy and a seminal paper


As the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) brace for the start of Run 3 of the accelerator’s programme in 2022, the CMS collaboration has released a new batch of research-quality open data recorded by the CMS detector in 2015, the first year of Run 2. The new datasets are now available on the CERN Open Data portal. This marks the seventh release of CMS open data since 2014. It is the first release of research-quality open data from the LHC recorded at 13 teraelectronvolts (TeV), the record-breaking collision energy at which the accelerator operated during Run 2.

Data from hundreds


We’ve talked in the past about the challenges of running a service at the scale of Zenodo in the inhospitable environment of the modern internet. Over the past couple of years, we have experienced an exponential increase in our users, content, and traffic… and we couldn’t be happier that Zenodo is proving useful in so many different ways! For Open Science to flourish, researchers should feel empowered to share their data, software, and every part of their journey of publishing their work. We are proud to have done our part in lowering the barrier to share and preserve.

This year we crossed


The four main LHC collaborations (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) have unanimously endorsed a new open data policy for scientific experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which was presented to the CERN Council today.  The policy commits to publicly releasing so-called level 3 scientific data, the type required to make scientific studies, collected by the LHC experiments. Data will start to be released approximately five years after collection, and the aim is for the full dataset to be publicly available by the close of the experiment concerned. The policy addresses the growing movement of


The ATLAS collaboration has just released the first open dataset from the Large Hadron Collider’s (LHC) highest-energy run at 13 teraelectronvolts (TeV). The new release is specially developed for science education, underlining the collaboration’s long-standing commitment to students and teachers using open-access ATLAS data and related tools.

ATLAS has made public 10 inverse femtobarns (fb−1) of the 13-TeV data, which corresponds to about 1 quadrillion proton-proton collisions, or 500 thousand produced Higgs bosons. It is also approximately the same amount of data that the ATLAS
